Disposable Colostomy Bags: The Pros And Cons

is this the right choice

Our dignity is something a lot of us value, and while it can be an unnecessary burden at times, it is still necessary. We want to be able to live and function independently without having to rely on anyone, especially if we are young or fairly healthy. When we start having problems with basic bodily functions, it can become embarrassing, and if you need additional support to carry out those functions, it can feel degrading at first, but if we want to continue being an active participant in life, we need to get over that slump as soon as we can. If you cannot manage passing solid food waste on your own, you will need to opt for a colostomy bag, and while there are some colostomy bag health issues, it is largely safe. For the sake of this article, we will solely be talking about disposable colostomy bags.

The Pros:

  • Disposable colostomy bags happen to come in a variety of different sizes, which makes mobility easier depending on your needs.
  • You can carry a few with you if you plan to be out for long or on a trip even, making for quicker changes.
  • Disposable colostomy bags are easier to switch out and there is no issue of a lingering smell, a common complaint with standard colostomy bags.
  • The entire removal and disposing of the process are easier to carry out.

The Cons:

  • Disposable colostomy bags are more expensive than re-usable colostomy bags, and since you will be using more of them, then they are likely to cost you more money in the long run.
  • These bags need to be filled when they are only half full as opposed to three-quarters full.
  • These are not preferable for people who produce a lot of solid waste in the long run.